Thursday, November 15, 2012

Letting Go (A Special Guest Post!)

Hey ya'll, it's me (Peter) finally,

As you can see, the ladies were hard at work selling the donated yard sale items at the second (and much smaller) sale that was piggy-backed onto one that Michelle's friend was having.  Olivia did good, eating and picking out her favorite items to try and take back home.

I know you know that I'm really excited to see Olivia go on her first mission trip, since I am, sort of..

It was really hard for me to accept that I was not going to be with her out there- way out there.  It's hard for me just to know I wont be with her on her first jet plane take off (which is always my favorite part of any such trip).  There's just something about her little self being buckled into her window seat, chewing her gum and chattering (probably the whole way) about everything she can think of while sitting in the belly of a big aluminum bird that soars her over the cloud tops to a far away land where she will take in all of the sights, sounds and smells of place that just might change her life forever.

There was a fateful day a very long time ago in another far away land that determined the fate of all the world which was all about a father and his boy.  It seems to be the story that parents like to use as the ultimate example of trusting God, since perhaps it is.  We like to show our kids that God never intended to let Abraham sacrifice Isaac- He was both testing Abraham and validating his faith in God, since he supposed in his heart that God could raise him from the dead.  "See kids, we need to trust God with everything, even if it means..."

"Follow me."  This is not just a command from the King, it's an invitation to be led by the Shepherd.  Obeying God can be easy after a while- you stay away from the harmful 'don'ts' while pursuing the joyful 'do's', but trusting God is a whole 'nother way of life.  Obeying God has visible boundaries while trusting God is boundless, and that can make us really suck in our breath.  So the question is, have we really given everything and everyone in our lives over to the absolute Lordship of our Savior to do whatever HE wishes, while trusting in His goodness as we remember that all of creation was made for the purpose of His death on our behalf through the cross?

Now I'm getting excited again.  Jesus knows what it's like to have sadness from separation infinitely more than I ever will but He still understands what I struggled with.  But He is also well pleased to see His Spirit at work in me to remove any bitterness or disappointment and I follow His plan for my family, which is really, and always, His family that I have been entrusted with.

So after all of our prayers for the last bit of money and of safety for the trip are finished and that bird lifts off and the wheels tuck themselves into that belly where two of the people that I love the most in the world are buckled in and chewing gum, I know that it's not my will, but  in His will, that I will eventually have the most joy. 

For His glory and name to all the nations!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lonna, for becoming part of our family and for sharing in our efforts to raise our girls with a local heart for people to be shared on a global level.

  2. You have your very own mission "trip," Peter. I guess that's what letting go is all about. Your post put a lump in my throat as I realized that so many of my own personal dilemmas could be solved just by remembering the poster I had hanging in our house when my girls were little: a graceful and trusting bird trusting flight as it soared high above a mountain...with the caption, "Let Go and Let God." since that time, God has proven to me (many times) that it truly IS as simple as that. Your family is blessed and beautiful. Your faith and sincerity are overwhelming, and I just want to personally thank you for putting me in a place of remembrance at a time when I needed it so much. I will keep your family in my prayers, and thank God for His visibility in your lives.

    Amy Lane

    1. Isn't it wonderful to see God in our lives in such personal ways? It is so humbling that He ordains the time to show how He is watching and caring for us, and even more, that He begins to answer prayers before we have finished saying them!

  3. Loved your post, Peter. And your persepective. We are so blessed to share in this adventure with you all!

    1. Thank you Mrs. Roberts :) We are praying for a way to do a multi-family trip somewhere, so I hope we all get to share in it side by side as well.

  4. Isn't he great? Sweet post. Thanks honey!

  5. Wow, this brought tears to my eyes! We are so excited for you guys!

    1. Thanks, Linnea. We are praying that Olivia would make a special friendship there with a girl that she can write back and forth with- she is super excited!
